... i am a cel phone user. a texter. a person living in the modern world who practices life using modern day gadgets. i enjoy living life this way. it's convenient, fun and fascinating. i feel lucky for growing up in my generation. i've seen alot of growth in the tech world and am looking foward to the future. for those of you who don't practice life in this fashion ... great, fine, fantastic, sure, whatever ... for those of you who don't practice life in this fashion but also feel the need to go out of your way to tell ME that you DON'T practice life in this fashion and that i should consider doing the SAME ... people, pardom me, DOUCHE BAG'S that spread on the patronizing dialogue while musing to me on said topic ... i'll use my CEL PHONE to dial 1-800-SHUT-UP-YOU-FUCKING-BABY for more details.